There are a handful of Videos, DVDs, CD Roms, and other formats upon which Sophie video (and audio) footage exists. The selection is quite random, but most (if not all) are listed below. However, anything that seems to have been issued/reissued post-2010 will be on the more "current" Sophie-ography pages, accessed via the "2011" buttons, etc. Fancy seeing what the hyper-rare "Delicious Miss Dahl" DVD looks like?? You know where to go next then...

An Audience With Elton John
VHS Telstar TVE 5033
[Sophie was invited to this show, a special Elton studio gig filmed on September 14th 1997, and broadcast on ITV on September 27th. This release is an extended version of the TV show. Sophie can be spotted sitting in the audience on several occassions. The above picture is of Sophie outside the TV studios.]
Ali G In Da USAiii
2 x DVD Talkback VCD 0289
VHS Talkback VC 7012
[Ali G is the comic creation of Sacha Baron Cohen, who stars in his own TV show interviewing celebrities and public figures in a somewhat inept manner. On many occasions, the interviewees were under the impression that Ali and his show genuinely existed. The 'USAiii' series saw Ali and two other characters film their interviews in the USA in 2002. This DVD collects all the episodes from the series, episode 3 of which ended with one of the other characters, Bruno The Fashion Reporter, stopping Sophie backstage at a Matthew Williamson show in New York in September. It makes for slightly uneasy viewing! This picture shows Sophie earlier the same day, having her hair done backstage for an MRS fashion show.

Disc 1 includes the episode, and a short excerpt from the 'interview' also features on the 'Bruno' menu screen (there are other menu screens for Sacha's other two characters, both of which also offer the option of viewing this episode). Disc 2 has the DVD's extra features - nothing rare Sophie wise, although if you choose to view the trailers, another quick flash of the Sophie clip flashes up on screen. The VHS includes the Sophie episode only.]
Charlie And The Chocolate Factory
2 x DVD Warner Brothers Z1 59337
US 2 x DVD Warner Brothers 1-4198-1937-2
[Two disc version of the Johnny Depp movie, issued in November 2005. The second disc features a 17 minute documentary about Roald Dahl, who of course wrote the book upon which the movie is based. The documentary, “Fantastic Mr. Dahl”, is a heavily edited version of a BBC TV show called “Imagine” shown some 5 months previously. US version comes in different sleeve, European DVD also believed to exist in alternate packaging.]
Promo Only DVDs
In Search Of The Sirens
Utopia Productions Industry Only DVD
[A Pirelli Calendar rarity, this 25 minute DVD was shot on location during the making of the 2003 Calendar. Sophie is interviewed about her involvement alongside the likes of Sienna Miller and photographer Bruce Weber. Alarmingly hard to find, which is a shame as the Sophie interview has never been seen anywhere else officially…Bonus pic below is of Sophie out on the town with fellow 2003 Calendar star Karolina Kurkova during the same era.]

CD Roms
The Cal 1964-2001
Pirelli Q 24675323
[Italian industry only CD Rom, this was issued at the tail end of 2000 to celebrate the issue of the 2001 Pirelli Calendar, the history of which is discussed elsewhere. This CD Rom, each of which are individually numbered, featured photos of every model featured in every calendar between 1964 and 2001, plus video footage of some of the models 'on-set'. The CD Rom includes Sophie's 1999 picture, and some stunning on set footage of her, making this item a worthwhile purchase. There are two "versions" in existence - one in a 'longbox' style sleeve, and another in a cardboard gatefold sleeve, although I am not sure if the latter editions are numbered - a photo of the inside of one such edition is shown below.]

Audio Plays

William Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet
Double Cassette or Triple CD
BBC ISBN 0563 553448 (CD)
BBC ISBN 0563 558830 (Cassette)
[Does what it says on the tin, so to speak. Sophie stars in this play, originally broadcast on BBC Radio 3 on October 3rd 1999, and given an official release thereafter. Both formats originally came shrink wrapped. Both should feature 2 booklets, one of which features a small bio & picture of Sophie. Covers of each differ slightly, simply because the CD packaging is (obviously) a different size to the Cassette one.]
Audio Books

Double CD
BBC ISBN 0563 495138
[originally shrink wrapped. Boy is the story of Roald Dahl's childhood, and he recorded a five part radio broadcast of extracts from the book for BBC Radio 4 in 1989, a year before his death. This CD features those recordings, with a 9 minute intro from Sophie, who also reads the books first chapter, none of which was used for the original broadcast.]
The following films were/are available from www.firstview.com. This fashion website covers most catwalk shows and includes, usually, complete sets of photographs of each show. One exception is one of the latter Imitation Of Christ shows that Sophie did, where for some reason she didn't get photographed. Videos are available to buy for each show as well - but in practice, it is questionable as to whether all of Sophie's catwalk shows are actually available. These listed below definitely exist. All are for Women's Ready To Wear, unless otherwise stated.
Jeremy Scott Fall 2000
Diane Von Furstenberg Spring 2001 (still from video seen below)
Imitation Of Christ Fall 2002
Diane Von Furstenberg Spring 2003
Matthew Williamson Spring 2003
D&G Spring 2003 (Menswear)

All available on VHS (PAL) and VHS (NTSC). Shows on DVD as well (PAL & NTSC) do exist from the site, but not too sure if any of Sophie's shows are available on this format. None of the videos have catalogue numbers, and videos come in die cut sleeves with the title of the video on the tape label. All are mail order only, and come in a single mailer whether or not one or more videos are ordered, complete with order information sheet inside.
In recent times, FirstView has become a password protected site, and although the site has some "free to view" photos, a quick scan recently suggested some of the older shows that Sophie did are simply not free to view anymore!

Now, even as a hardened record collector, I have never gone down the route of buying LPs where somebody I liked sang backing vocals on someone else's album. But, in the interest of "completeness", I felt I had to mention the fact that Sophie sings backing vocals on Jamie Cullum's 2009 record, "The Pursuit". Sophie sings on a song called "Mixtape", and the reason she appears is that Cullum once made her a mixtape - simple explanation!