There are plenty of other sites on the net where Sophie can be found. As with other links scattered around this site, all links were "working" when added to this page, but if some seem to have become defunct, well, that's the (non) power of the internet for you. Pick a link, click, and hope for the best...
Bloomsbury: www.bloomsbury.com/authors/microsite.asp?section=1&id=357&mscssid=6NLWTTW859KM9H4WD9UBJ37C7C500439
The Sophie Dahl Gallery: www.sophie-dahl.com/
The Unofficial Sophie Dahl pages: www.geocities.com/FashionAvenue/1011/
Judgement Of Paris: www.judgmentofparis.com/Sophie.htm
Storm Models (Sophie's first modelling agency, then they weren't, then they were again, etc - she may or may not still be here): www.stormmodels.com/womendetails.html?id=3316
Life - nice pictures which, last time I looked, were all printable: http://www.life.com/search/?q0=sophie+dahl
Sophie's Victorias Secrets pictures - i think all of them can be found on these three sites:
The Official "Dancing Eyes" website: www.dancingeyes.net/default.htm
Corbis.com: http://www.corbis.com/
Daf Jones: www.dafjones.com/
BW Grey Scale Fashion site: www.bwgreyscale.com/
Hello magazine profile & pix: www.hellomagazine.com/profiles/sophiedahl/
Online version of "You" magazine interview, 14th Oct 2007: www.mailonsunday.co.uk/pages/you/article.html?in_page_id=1908&in_article_id=487314
Ryan Michael Kelly Portfolio - pictures related to Sophie's 2007 Arena covershoot here: http://ryanmichaelkelly.com/celebrity/2/
Grove Magazine interview, 2009 (you might have to type Sophie's name into the search box to get this to work): http://www.grovemagazine.co.uk/people-and-places-sophie
HarperCollins site: http://www.harpercollins.co.uk/Authors/7856/sophie-dahl
The Dottie K site, wth stills from the 2010 cookery show: http://pinkpoppolkadot.blogspot.com/2010/04/style-crush-sophie-dahl.html
Delicious Miss Dahl online recipes page: http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/chefs/sophie_dahl
Waitrose online article: http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/chefs/sophie_dahl
MSN Photogallery: http://movies.msn.com/search/movies/?q=sophie%20dahl&ft=
Barcroft Media: http://barcroftmedia.com/index.pgi
Sophie at the "Food And Wine" site: http://www.foodandwine.com/articles/sophie-dahls-voluptuous-cooking