As with any celebrity, there is a seemingly endless supply of Sophie memorabilia available. Elsewhere on this site, you can read (and see) details of magazines, DVDs and plenty more. On this page are details (and pictures) of some of the odder items. Exactly how many of these Ms Dahl is actually aware is open to question! Above, the H&M "Christmas" fold out poster advert that was tucked inside some UK glossy magazines several years ago.

Whilst many of Sophie's exhibition appearances tend to be, in the main, low-key, the 2002 Mario Testino exhibition was high profile enough to have it's own free guide given away at the event, detailing which pictures were where in the gallery (see above). There's no picture of Soph inside (you had to buy the £25+ book for that), but her name features.
There was a programme available for Sophie's run in the Vagina Monologues in London in 2001 - the basic programme featured a picture of the cast for the 14th February 1999 one-off special, including Sophie, whilst the programme carried an additional insert with the then-current cast. For Sophie's run, this insert also features another Sophie picture. Later editions of the programme issued once Sophie had finished her run included pictures of ex-cast members - as such, a picture of Sophie features in these. After the run at The Arts Theatre, the play later moved across London. A fold-out flyer advertising this run features pictures of previous participants - so Sophie is also inside this item.

Of course, depending on "high profile" certain events are, tickets for Sophie related events exist. Don't get your hopes up that any might have her picture on (or even her name) but they are nice items to have. Above is a ticket for the "15 Minutes" exhibition in London.

If you are lucky, you may get the odd chance to own some fairly unique items. Your webmaster owns the above, a pair of Sophie's old boots signed by the woman herself!

Glossy pictures are also available for sale. The one above shows Sophie at the "Goddess" gala in 2003. There are 5 or 6 'Paparazzi' pictures that can be found all over the net, including Amazon and Movie Market ( http://www.moviemarket.co.uk/ ). The Daily Mirror website (http://www.mirrorpix.com/ ), also has a selection of older pictures for sale - the photos are alledged to have all been printed in the UK newspaper "The Mirror", although this is questionable. In addition, glossy pictures are floating around thanks to other Photo Agencies like Associated Press or UK Press, whilst the Don Features website ( http://www.donfeatures.com/ ) also has Sophie pictures to view or buy. This website is run by "Hello" magazine's photographer, Dominic O'Neill and as such, only a selection of photos from mainly London-based events can be found here. In the past, The Sun and The Times newspaper websites offered picture sales from their sites, where a handful of Sophie pictures could be ordered as basic glossies, mousemats, mugs or even place mats! As ever, these websites are subject to change so some items (and indeed the websites themselves) may not be available as you read this.

Some of Sophie's more high profile ad campaigns have resulted in various collectible items, and her "Accessorize" and "Monsoon" campaigns generated several oddities - postcards, gift voucher cards, and carrier bags - various sizes exist with various pictures, and one is pictured above.
Sophie was also featured in the industry-only Elite Modelling Agency filofax from 2002 - the picture inside had featured in the 22nd March 2001 edition of "D" magazine, and hardcore collectors may need two versions - one which had several pages of other models duplicated, and the one which (apparently) didn't! Sophie's photo is unaffected in either version you will be pleased to know.
Sophie's Grattan Catalogue cover appearance in late 2003 also spawned some collectibles - the catalogue was sent to previous Grattans customers during December 2003, but wasn't available to order from their website until January 2004. People who ordered the catalogue also recieved an order form in a separate envelope - the envelope also included various other inserts, and several of these items featured a reprint of the cover shot - including an 'un-cropped' version of the picture. Unless you ordered something from the catalogue, you were supposed to return it to Grattan - but I guess there was nothing stopping people not returning it by 'forgetting where they had put it...'. Anybody who did order something received paperwork to confirm their order, complete with images of the catalogues' cover on much of the paraphernalia.

And what on earth is this? Well, it's a dressing table designed by Sophie for Habitat's 2007 "Very Important Products" childrens range - not a one off, but still worthy of mention!