What follows is a list of magazines that contain Sophie pictures...unlike the Magazine Gallery pages, these are pictures that have not been taken exclusively for the mag, and will often be duplicated from one magazine to another. The majority of them feature Sophie pix taken by the paparazzi at parties or premieres. By default, some of the pictures contained will be exclusive - it all depends on the magazine editors as to which pictures they wish to publish. Some of the magazines were given away as newspaper supplements, and as such were only available for one day. In some cases, a picture of Sophie was also printed in the newspaper as well. Other magazines, such as "Tatler" and "Harpers & Queen" are published in both the UK and the US, and are identical apart from the use of UK/US prices on the cover respectively. The list is not complete but is still fairly comprehensive - I will continue to try and 'fill in the gaps' whenever possible. Some items are deliberately not listed - adverts plugging magazines using reprints of "old" Sophie covers are in the main not listed, nor are instances where Sophie adverts are reprinted as part of an article (you don't really need a hundred articles all containing the "Opium" photo!). Where known, such items that are listed are identified as such. Also note, that 2004 saw the rise of the "travel size" mag, and for some of the fashion glossies from this year onwards (Elle, Marie Claire, Cosmopolitan etc.), there are both large & small editions of these mags in existence. Again, post-2011 stuff can be found via the "2011" button. Apart from one or two exceptions, any mags that mention Sophie very,very, briefly, and have no photo, are not listed.
3AM Magazine ("Daily Mirror" newspaper freebie): 14/4/2004, 26/5/2004, 16/6/2004, 14/7/2004, 20/10/2004
7 ("Hello" supplement - date on magazine may differ slightly): 29/8/2002, 24/10/2002, 7/11/2002, 9/1/2003*, 13/2/2003, 20/2/2003
* See 7/1/2003 entry for “Hello” magazine
19: 5/2003
25 Hours (USA): 24/4/2005, 15/5/2005
The A List: 11/12/1998
Allure (USA): 2/2001, 12/2001, 1/2002, 4/2002, 2/2003, 12/2004, 8/2008
American Photo (USA): 1+2/1999 ('Pirelli' photo)
Amica (Germany): 2/2008
Arena: 8/2001, 9/2001, 6/2005, 11/2006 (small reprint of 1997 cover as part of "20 Years Of Arena" feature), 3/2007
B: 9/1998, 7/2003, 4/2004, 7/2004, 10/2004, 2/2006
B (Australia): 1/2001, 1/2003
Beau Monde (Holland): 7/2005
Bella: 3/2/2004, 1/4/2008
Best: 21/1/2003, 4/2/2003, 18/2/2003, 11/3/2003, 9/3/2004, 3/8/2004, 10/8/2004, 31/8/2004, 4/1/2005, 15/3/2005, 12/4/2005, 27/6/2006, 23/10/2007 (only inside "TV Week" supplement, dated 20th Oct), 7/10/2008, 23/6/2009
Bizarre Exposed (Pull out supplement from "The Sun" newspaper): 31/3/2004
Allure (USA): 2/2001, 12/2001, 1/2002, 4/2002, 2/2003, 12/2004, 8/2008
American Photo (USA): 1+2/1999 ('Pirelli' photo)
Amica (Germany): 2/2008
Arena: 8/2001, 9/2001, 6/2005, 11/2006 (small reprint of 1997 cover as part of "20 Years Of Arena" feature), 3/2007
B: 9/1998, 7/2003, 4/2004, 7/2004, 10/2004, 2/2006
B (Australia): 1/2001, 1/2003
Beau Monde (Holland): 7/2005
Bella: 3/2/2004, 1/4/2008
Best: 21/1/2003, 4/2/2003, 18/2/2003, 11/3/2003, 9/3/2004, 3/8/2004, 10/8/2004, 31/8/2004, 4/1/2005, 15/3/2005, 12/4/2005, 27/6/2006, 23/10/2007 (only inside "TV Week" supplement, dated 20th Oct), 7/10/2008, 23/6/2009
Bizarre Exposed (Pull out supplement from "The Sun" newspaper): 31/3/2004
Boots Health & Beauty: Winter 2001
Bunte (Germany): 13/3/1997, 14/8/1997, 7/5/1998, 26/10/1999, 20/7/2000, 26/10/2000, 5/9/2002, 24/10/2002, 15/4/2004, 29/12/2004
Celebrity (Germany): 1/2005, 1/2008
Celebrity Diet Now: "Now" Specials Series Issue 7 - 12/9/2005, Winter 2006
Celebrity Hair Now: "Now" Special - Autumn/Winter 2005
Celebrity Living: 6/2004
Celebrity Looks: 11/2001
Celebrity Sleuth (USA): Vol 11 No 2, Vol 15 No 1
Celebrity Spy: 16/5/2003
Celebrity Spy (“New Woman” magazine freebie): 12/2002, 4/2003
Bunte (Germany): 13/3/1997, 14/8/1997, 7/5/1998, 26/10/1999, 20/7/2000, 26/10/2000, 5/9/2002, 24/10/2002, 15/4/2004, 29/12/2004
Celebrity (Germany): 1/2005, 1/2008
Celebrity Diet Now: "Now" Specials Series Issue 7 - 12/9/2005, Winter 2006
Celebrity Hair Now: "Now" Special - Autumn/Winter 2005
Celebrity Living: 6/2004
Celebrity Looks: 11/2001
Celebrity Sleuth (USA): Vol 11 No 2, Vol 15 No 1
Celebrity Spy: 16/5/2003
Celebrity Spy (“New Woman” magazine freebie): 12/2002, 4/2003
Celebs Bodies: August 2007 ("Health & Fitness" magazine supplement)
Celebs On Sunday: 27/6/2004, 25/7/2004, 3/10/2004, 24/10/2004, 23/1/2005, 20/2/2005, 15/5/2005, 22/5/2005, 11/9/2005, 2/10/2005, 20/11/2005, 31/12/2006, 29/4/2007, 12/8/2007, 2/9/2007, 23/9/2007, 30/9/2007, 11/11/2007, 13/1/2008, 20/4/2008, 14/9/2008, 5/10/2008
Celebs Uncovered: Issue 2 9/2003
Chica (Germany): 3/2008
Class (Italy): 2/2007
Cleo (Australia): 11/2002
Closer: 28/9/2002, 5/10/2002, 26/10/2002, 18/1/2003, 8/2/2003, 22/2/2003, 1/3/2003, 3/5/2003, 17/5/2003, 9/8/2003, 23/8/2003, 11/10/2003, 10/1/2004, 17/1/2004, 7/2/2004, 3/4/2004, 24/4/2004, 5/6/2004, 17/7/2004, 31/7/2004, 18/9/2004, 16/10/2004, 11/12/2004, 12/2/2005, 14/5/2005, 28/5/2005, 18/6/2005, 9/7/2005, 17/9/2005, 25/3/2006, 21/10/2006, 13/1/2007, 9/6/2007, 15/9/2007, 20/10/2007, 3/11/2007, 17/11/2007, 24/5/2008, 25/10/2008, 12/9/2009, 20/3/2010, 27/3/2010, 3/4/2010, 10/4/2010, 17/4/2010, 24/4/2010, 31/7/2010, 25/9/2010
Company: 6/1997, 10/2002, 11/2002, 12/2002, 1/2003, 3/2003, 4/2003, 10/2003, 11/2003, 3/2004, 4/2004, 7/2004, 11/2004, 2/2008
Cosmopolitan: 10/2001, 5/2002, 12/2002 (Sophie is in both the magazine and the accompanying "Cheat's Guide" supplement), 7/2004, 12/2004, 3/2006, 9/2008, 10/2009, 2/2010
Cosmopolitan (Australia): 2/1998, 7/1998, 7/2004
Cosmopolitan (France): 1/2001
Cosmopolitan (Poland): 2/2003, 6/2003
Cosmopolitan Hair & Beauty: 9+10/2003
Costume (Denmark): 12/2003
Crazy Net (France): 9+10/1999
DT (Spain): 7+8/2003
Daily: 6/2006, 11/2006
Daily Mail Weekend: 21/7/2001, 27/4/2002, 26/10/2002, 2/11/2002, 5/4/2003, 27/12/2003, 24/5/2008, 20/3/2010
Celebs On Sunday: 27/6/2004, 25/7/2004, 3/10/2004, 24/10/2004, 23/1/2005, 20/2/2005, 15/5/2005, 22/5/2005, 11/9/2005, 2/10/2005, 20/11/2005, 31/12/2006, 29/4/2007, 12/8/2007, 2/9/2007, 23/9/2007, 30/9/2007, 11/11/2007, 13/1/2008, 20/4/2008, 14/9/2008, 5/10/2008
Celebs Uncovered: Issue 2 9/2003
Chica (Germany): 3/2008
Class (Italy): 2/2007
Cleo (Australia): 11/2002
Closer: 28/9/2002, 5/10/2002, 26/10/2002, 18/1/2003, 8/2/2003, 22/2/2003, 1/3/2003, 3/5/2003, 17/5/2003, 9/8/2003, 23/8/2003, 11/10/2003, 10/1/2004, 17/1/2004, 7/2/2004, 3/4/2004, 24/4/2004, 5/6/2004, 17/7/2004, 31/7/2004, 18/9/2004, 16/10/2004, 11/12/2004, 12/2/2005, 14/5/2005, 28/5/2005, 18/6/2005, 9/7/2005, 17/9/2005, 25/3/2006, 21/10/2006, 13/1/2007, 9/6/2007, 15/9/2007, 20/10/2007, 3/11/2007, 17/11/2007, 24/5/2008, 25/10/2008, 12/9/2009, 20/3/2010, 27/3/2010, 3/4/2010, 10/4/2010, 17/4/2010, 24/4/2010, 31/7/2010, 25/9/2010
Company: 6/1997, 10/2002, 11/2002, 12/2002, 1/2003, 3/2003, 4/2003, 10/2003, 11/2003, 3/2004, 4/2004, 7/2004, 11/2004, 2/2008
Cosmopolitan: 10/2001, 5/2002, 12/2002 (Sophie is in both the magazine and the accompanying "Cheat's Guide" supplement), 7/2004, 12/2004, 3/2006, 9/2008, 10/2009, 2/2010
Cosmopolitan (Australia): 2/1998, 7/1998, 7/2004
Cosmopolitan (France): 1/2001
Cosmopolitan (Poland): 2/2003, 6/2003
Cosmopolitan Hair & Beauty: 9+10/2003
Costume (Denmark): 12/2003
Crazy Net (France): 9+10/1999
DT (Spain): 7+8/2003
Daily: 6/2006, 11/2006
Daily Mail Weekend: 21/7/2001, 27/4/2002, 26/10/2002, 2/11/2002, 5/4/2003, 27/12/2003, 24/5/2008, 20/3/2010
Deadline: 14/4/2007 ("Closer" magazine insert)
Dazed And Confused: Issue 42 (1998)
Diet & Fitness: 8/10/2003, 18/2/2004
Diva: 10+11/1997
Dolly (Australia): 12/1997, 8/1998
Downtown (Mexico): 8/2003 (2003 Pirelli Picture)
ES: 25/3/1997, 23/5/1997, 8/8/1997, 26/9/1997, 10/10/1997, 20/3/1998, 3/4/1998, 9/10/1998, 12/2/1999, 19/2/1999, 10/9/1999, 19/1/2001 (article including reprint of "Opium" ad), 20/7/2001, 27/7/2001, 7/9/2001, 9/11/2001, 7/12/2001, 11/1/2002, 25/1/2002, 22/3/2002, 26/4/2002, 24/5/2002, 31/5/2002, 19/7/2002, 26/7/2002, 11/10/2002, 22/11/2002, 6/12/2002, 13/12/2002, 10/1/2003, 24/1/2003, 31/1/2003, 7/2/2003, 14/2/2003, 21/3/2003 ("Canapes at Dawn" article), 28/3/2003, 4/7/2003, 8/8/2003, 12/9/2003, 19/9/2003, 7/11/2003, 21/11/2003, 5/12/2003, 30/1/2004, 5/3/2004, 2/4/2004, 23/4/2004, 7/5/2004, 2/7/2004, 3/9/2004, 17/9/2004, 8/10/2004, 15/10/2004, 26/11/2004, 11/3/2005, 1/4/2005, 19/8/2005, 14/10/2005, 9/12/2005, 17/2/2006, 3/3/2006, 23/6/2006, 30/6/2006, 6/10/2006, 15/12/2006, 16/2/2007, 23/2/2007, 9/3/2007, 23/3/2007, 20/4/2007, 13/7/2007, 10/8/2007, 28/9/2007, 5/10/2007, 19/10/2007, 26/10/2007, 2/11/2007, 23/11/2007, 21/12/2007, 29/2/2008, 20/3/2008, 1/8/2008, 5/12/2008, 27/2/2009, 22/5/2009, 12/6/2009, 18/9/2009, 19/3/2010 (online version here: http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/lifestyle/article-23816654-my-london-sophie-dahl.do), 20/8/2010
Elle: 6/1997, 10/1997, 9/2000, 11/2001, 8/2002, 9/2002, 12/2002, 1/2003, 4/2003, 9/2003, 12/2003, 7/2004, 8/2004, 10/2004, 12/2004, 1/2005, 3/2005, 12/2005, 4/2007, 12/2008, 6/2009 (2007 "You" cover photo accompanies interview)
Elle Catwalk Hot 100 supplement: Spring/Summer 2003
Dazed And Confused: Issue 42 (1998)
Diet & Fitness: 8/10/2003, 18/2/2004
Diva: 10+11/1997
Dolly (Australia): 12/1997, 8/1998
Downtown (Mexico): 8/2003 (2003 Pirelli Picture)
ES: 25/3/1997, 23/5/1997, 8/8/1997, 26/9/1997, 10/10/1997, 20/3/1998, 3/4/1998, 9/10/1998, 12/2/1999, 19/2/1999, 10/9/1999, 19/1/2001 (article including reprint of "Opium" ad), 20/7/2001, 27/7/2001, 7/9/2001, 9/11/2001, 7/12/2001, 11/1/2002, 25/1/2002, 22/3/2002, 26/4/2002, 24/5/2002, 31/5/2002, 19/7/2002, 26/7/2002, 11/10/2002, 22/11/2002, 6/12/2002, 13/12/2002, 10/1/2003, 24/1/2003, 31/1/2003, 7/2/2003, 14/2/2003, 21/3/2003 ("Canapes at Dawn" article), 28/3/2003, 4/7/2003, 8/8/2003, 12/9/2003, 19/9/2003, 7/11/2003, 21/11/2003, 5/12/2003, 30/1/2004, 5/3/2004, 2/4/2004, 23/4/2004, 7/5/2004, 2/7/2004, 3/9/2004, 17/9/2004, 8/10/2004, 15/10/2004, 26/11/2004, 11/3/2005, 1/4/2005, 19/8/2005, 14/10/2005, 9/12/2005, 17/2/2006, 3/3/2006, 23/6/2006, 30/6/2006, 6/10/2006, 15/12/2006, 16/2/2007, 23/2/2007, 9/3/2007, 23/3/2007, 20/4/2007, 13/7/2007, 10/8/2007, 28/9/2007, 5/10/2007, 19/10/2007, 26/10/2007, 2/11/2007, 23/11/2007, 21/12/2007, 29/2/2008, 20/3/2008, 1/8/2008, 5/12/2008, 27/2/2009, 22/5/2009, 12/6/2009, 18/9/2009, 19/3/2010 (online version here: http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/lifestyle/article-23816654-my-london-sophie-dahl.do), 20/8/2010
Elle: 6/1997, 10/1997, 9/2000, 11/2001, 8/2002, 9/2002, 12/2002, 1/2003, 4/2003, 9/2003, 12/2003, 7/2004, 8/2004, 10/2004, 12/2004, 1/2005, 3/2005, 12/2005, 4/2007, 12/2008, 6/2009 (2007 "You" cover photo accompanies interview)
Elle Catwalk Hot 100 supplement: Spring/Summer 2003
Elle Special Issue: Spring 2004 (freebie given to customers at 'Clinique' stores)
American Elle (USA): 8/2002, 1/2003, 4/2003
Elle Australia (Australia): 8/2001
Brazilian Elle (Brazil): 8/2003
Elle Canada (Canada): 9/2001, 2/2003, 8/2004
Elle Decoration: 9/2009
German Elle (German): 10/2004
Elle Japon (Japan): 9/2004
Elle Poland (Poland): 2/2003
Elle Sweden (Sweden): 12/2004
Elm Street (USA): 5/2002
Escape ("The Observer" newspaper pullout): 27/2/2005
Esquire: 7/2003
Eva: 6/8/1997, 1/4/1998
Eve: 3/2003, 6/2003, 8/2007
FHM (Germany): Number 18
American Elle (USA): 8/2002, 1/2003, 4/2003
Elle Australia (Australia): 8/2001
Brazilian Elle (Brazil): 8/2003
Elle Canada (Canada): 9/2001, 2/2003, 8/2004
Elle Decoration: 9/2009
German Elle (German): 10/2004
Elle Japon (Japan): 9/2004
Elle Poland (Poland): 2/2003
Elle Sweden (Sweden): 12/2004
Elm Street (USA): 5/2002
Escape ("The Observer" newspaper pullout): 27/2/2005
Esquire: 7/2003
Eva: 6/8/1997, 1/4/1998
Eve: 3/2003, 6/2003, 8/2007
FHM (Germany): Number 18
Fabulous: 13/9/2009, 21/3/2010
The Face: 9/2002, 2/2003, 4/2003
Famous (Australia): 5/6/2006
The Face: 9/2002, 2/2003, 4/2003
Famous (Australia): 5/6/2006
Film Review: 3/2003
First: 28/7/2007, 17/9/2007, 1/10/2007, 29/10/2007, 5/11/2007
Flare (USA): 11/2001
Focus: 10/1997
Focus (Germany): 20/1/2003
Frau (Germany): 14/11/2001, 12/6/2002
Freizeit Revue (Germany): 31/12/2002
G2: 5/2/2003
GQ: 8/2000 ('Versace' picture), 5/2001, 2/2002, 10/2002, 12/2007 (interview only, accompanied by Sophie "sketch" drawing), 1/2009
GQ (Italian Edition): 10/2006
GQ (Spanish Edition): 12/1998 ('Pirelli' picture), 12/2006
Gala (Germany): 26/7/2001, 31/1/2002, 12/9/2002, 14/11/2002, 13/2/2003, 6/3/2003, Issue 43 - 2004, 14/4/2005, 12/7/2007, 11/10/2007, 17/1/2008, 27/3/2008
Gente (Argentina): 21/5/2002
Girlfriend (Australia): 1/1998
Glamour: 11/2001, 8/2002, 10/2002, 11/2002, 4/2003, 6/2003, 7/2003, 10/2003, 12/2003, 1/2004, 6/2004, 7/2004, 11/2004, 12/2004, 1/2005, 5/2007, 6/2008, 3/2009
Glamour (France): 3/2005, 10/2008
Glamour (Germany): 6/11/2007
Glamour (Poland): 12/2006
Glamour (Spain): 9/2007
Glamour (USA): 6/2008
Glossy (Holland): 23/9/2003
First: 28/7/2007, 17/9/2007, 1/10/2007, 29/10/2007, 5/11/2007
Flare (USA): 11/2001
Focus: 10/1997
Focus (Germany): 20/1/2003
Frau (Germany): 14/11/2001, 12/6/2002
Freizeit Revue (Germany): 31/12/2002
G2: 5/2/2003
GQ: 8/2000 ('Versace' picture), 5/2001, 2/2002, 10/2002, 12/2007 (interview only, accompanied by Sophie "sketch" drawing), 1/2009
GQ (Italian Edition): 10/2006
GQ (Spanish Edition): 12/1998 ('Pirelli' picture), 12/2006
Gala (Germany): 26/7/2001, 31/1/2002, 12/9/2002, 14/11/2002, 13/2/2003, 6/3/2003, Issue 43 - 2004, 14/4/2005, 12/7/2007, 11/10/2007, 17/1/2008, 27/3/2008
Gente (Argentina): 21/5/2002
Girlfriend (Australia): 1/1998
Glamour: 11/2001, 8/2002, 10/2002, 11/2002, 4/2003, 6/2003, 7/2003, 10/2003, 12/2003, 1/2004, 6/2004, 7/2004, 11/2004, 12/2004, 1/2005, 5/2007, 6/2008, 3/2009
Glamour (France): 3/2005, 10/2008
Glamour (Germany): 6/11/2007
Glamour (Poland): 12/2006
Glamour (Spain): 9/2007
Glamour (USA): 6/2008
Glossy (Holland): 23/9/2003
Gold Coast Panache (Australia): 9/2009 ("Voluptous Delights" article and photos)
Good Housekeeping: 8/2010
Grazia: 21/2/2005, 28/2/2005, 21/3/2005, 4/4/2005, 25/4/2005, 9/5/2005, 16/5/2005, 30/5/2005, 25/7/2005, 29/8/2005, 17/10/2005, 21/11/2005, 9/1/2006, 6/2/2006, 15/5/2006, 10/7/2006, 17/7/2006, 28/8/2006, 6/11/2006, 27/11/2006, 8/1/2007, 26/2/2007, 19/3/2007, 26/3/2007, 21/5/2007, 28/5/2007, 25/6/2007, 13/8/2007, 17/9/2007, 24/9/2007, 1/10/2007, 22/10/2007, 5/11/2007, 10/12/2007, 17/12/2007, 1/1/2008, 21/1/2008, 31/3/2008, 12/5/2008, 24/11/2008, 20/4/2009, 4/5/2009 (print of "Voluptuous Delights" book cover only), 22/6/2009, 30/11/2009, 25/1/2010, 29/3/2010, 7/6/2010, 27/9/2010, 31/12/2010
The Guardian Guide: 12/12/2000, 20/3/2010
The Guardian Weekend: 19/6/2004, 4/9/2004, 1/12/2007
Halo (Poland): 15/4/1997
Grazia: 21/2/2005, 28/2/2005, 21/3/2005, 4/4/2005, 25/4/2005, 9/5/2005, 16/5/2005, 30/5/2005, 25/7/2005, 29/8/2005, 17/10/2005, 21/11/2005, 9/1/2006, 6/2/2006, 15/5/2006, 10/7/2006, 17/7/2006, 28/8/2006, 6/11/2006, 27/11/2006, 8/1/2007, 26/2/2007, 19/3/2007, 26/3/2007, 21/5/2007, 28/5/2007, 25/6/2007, 13/8/2007, 17/9/2007, 24/9/2007, 1/10/2007, 22/10/2007, 5/11/2007, 10/12/2007, 17/12/2007, 1/1/2008, 21/1/2008, 31/3/2008, 12/5/2008, 24/11/2008, 20/4/2009, 4/5/2009 (print of "Voluptuous Delights" book cover only), 22/6/2009, 30/11/2009, 25/1/2010, 29/3/2010, 7/6/2010, 27/9/2010, 31/12/2010
The Guardian Guide: 12/12/2000, 20/3/2010
The Guardian Weekend: 19/6/2004, 4/9/2004, 1/12/2007
Halo (Poland): 15/4/1997
Hamptons (USA): 18/8/2000
Harpers & Queen: 5/1999, 2/2001, 4/2001, 3/2002, 6/2002, 7/2002, 10/2002, 2/2003, 6/2003, 12/2003, 4/2004, 8/2005, 12/2001
Harpers & Queen: 5/1999, 2/2001, 4/2001, 3/2002, 6/2002, 7/2002, 10/2002, 2/2003, 6/2003, 12/2003, 4/2004, 8/2005, 12/2001
Harpers Bazaar: 3/2008, 3/2010, 9/2010, 10/2010
Harpers Bazaar (Australia): 5/2010
Harpers Bazaar (USA): 6/2000, 4/2002, 11/2002, 2/2003, 7/2003, 10/2003, 4/2004
Health Zone ("Metro" newspaper pullout): 6/7/2004
Heat: 28/7/2001, 19/1/2002, 6/4/2002, 4/5/2002, 8/6/2002, 29/6/2002, 31/8/2002, 12/10/2002, 26/10/2002, 9/11/2002, 4/1/2003, 11/1/2003, 15/2/2003, 22/2/2003, 19/4/2003, 10/5/2003, 24/5/2003, 23/8/2003, 30/8/2003, 20/9/2003, 27/9/2003, 18/10/2003, 25/10/2003, 15/11/2003, 10/1/2004, 7/2/2004, 6/3/2004, 27/3/2004, 15/5/2004, 31/7/2004, 11/9/2004, 6/11/2004, 5/3/2005, 21/5/2005, 3/12/2005, 4/3/2006, 8/7/2006, 18/11/2006, 2/12/2006, 15/9/2007, 3/11/2007, 17/11/2007, 1/12/2007, 5/4/2008, 8/11/2008, 18/4/2009, 20/6/2009, 10/4/2010, 24/4/2010
Heat (South Africa): 19/11/2005
Harpers Bazaar (USA): 6/2000, 4/2002, 11/2002, 2/2003, 7/2003, 10/2003, 4/2004
Health Zone ("Metro" newspaper pullout): 6/7/2004
Heat: 28/7/2001, 19/1/2002, 6/4/2002, 4/5/2002, 8/6/2002, 29/6/2002, 31/8/2002, 12/10/2002, 26/10/2002, 9/11/2002, 4/1/2003, 11/1/2003, 15/2/2003, 22/2/2003, 19/4/2003, 10/5/2003, 24/5/2003, 23/8/2003, 30/8/2003, 20/9/2003, 27/9/2003, 18/10/2003, 25/10/2003, 15/11/2003, 10/1/2004, 7/2/2004, 6/3/2004, 27/3/2004, 15/5/2004, 31/7/2004, 11/9/2004, 6/11/2004, 5/3/2005, 21/5/2005, 3/12/2005, 4/3/2006, 8/7/2006, 18/11/2006, 2/12/2006, 15/9/2007, 3/11/2007, 17/11/2007, 1/12/2007, 5/4/2008, 8/11/2008, 18/4/2009, 20/6/2009, 10/4/2010, 24/4/2010
Heat (South Africa): 19/11/2005