Sophie-ography Home Page!

Welcome to the Sophie-ography, a veritable feast of Sophie pictures and information, unrivalled anywhere else on the web. To the right, you will see various pages containing plenty of info about Sophie's books, Sophie's magazine appearances, and pretty much anything else Sophie related. The pages you see here cover the period from 1996-2010/11, the point at which Sophie moved away from modelling. Pages from 2011 onwards can be accessed via the other buttons showing "later" years due right. Indeed, wherever you see a reference to the "2011" button on this site, click on other years as well to see if the page "continues" on later years. The main "Sophie Dahl Rocks" homepage will always advise further.

Given that this is a fan site, this info is as complete as it can be, so apologies if you are aware of something that I am not - I do try my best to keep this site as up to date and full of gen as possible! These pages are constantly being added to and updated, so keep an eye out for anything "new". Note, things that are more at home in the "present" can be found on the newer versions of these pages, so again, a reminder to click on the "2011", "2012" buttons, etc, to look at the new "stuff".
If at any time you wish to return to the main Sophie Dahl Rocks homepage, then click on the button for the latest year shown due right, or for the "Mircosites" menupage, click the "2009" button.

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